- Everybody is an appspressionist
- Appspressionism uses digital technology, photo, video, sound, text and voice and summarizes the results in a database.
- The unknown is infinitely greater than the known.
- Paint the walls in the 10000th floor of your creativity, while downstairs they are working diligently on the foundations.
- Creative ideas come within seconds to the art collectors.
- Life is just a logical combination of database tables.
- The umbilical cord between artist and work is cut.
- Sign as the recipient demands.
- Appspressionism is an art movement that does not need artists.
- In an empty room is a printer that is controlled by the network. The images come from anywhere in the world and are sold directly. Works that don’t find a buyer shall be destroyed.
- The future is in the present.
Lind Kernig 18th, November 2012